Monday, May 24, 2010

Another funny...

So Ella cracked me up once again and I had to share! :)  My mom kept the kids this weekend so that Shawn and I could pack, move and paint at the new house (of course.  I dont think we've stopped painting for the last week!)
 I was on the phone with my Mom while she and Ella were at Wal-Mart.  I heard Ella say to her, "Mimi, was dis?" (aka, "What's this?") and my Mom said, "I dont know Elle, where did you get it from?" 
Ella's response, "My nose."  LOLOL 
Mimi's response, "Ohhh okay, well I have a pretty good guess what it is then!"
Aren't kids the greatest?  :)

Hope everyone is having a great Monday!


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Kids Say the Darndest Things

Just thought i'd share two things my kids did today (well last night and this morning) that I couldnt help but laugh at.  Maybe you will get a good laugh out of it too!

This morning, Connor was in the bathroom about to brush his teeth.  I'm in the other room dressing Ella and I hear him say "Where's my toothpaste??"  He looks around for a second and then says, "I'VE BEEN ROBBED!!!" (And yes, he was 100% serious)  I thought I would die laughing.  Then of course, two seconds later, I hear him quietly say, "Oh here it is......"   LOL :)
Last night, we experimented with putting Ella in time-out for the first time because she wasn't following directions (Which were, "Stop throwing things in Connor's bath water."  She had by that time thrown in toothbrushes, toothpaste, a spoon, her shoe and some toliet paper.)  So off to time-out she went.  Unfortunately, she thought it was great fun.  She was bouncing around and laughing at us the entire time.  When I said, "Are you ready to be a good girl?", her reply was, "No sir!!!".  Then as I tried not to laugh, I said, "Well then I guess that means you want to stay in time-out, right?"  Her reply "YES SIR!!", with a big smile.  Oooh that child of mine! :)

Hope this brought a smile to your face! :)


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Coming Soon!!!!

So i've decided to hop back on the "blogger train" after my year plus hiatus.  I honestly don't know if i'm going to have enough time to keep up with this BUT i'm certainly going to give it a try!!  I figure this is easier than posting all my life updates on Facebook (because seriously, do we really want all those "friends" to know EVERYTHING about us???  Yeah um, no)  So i'm hoping this blog will serve to update any interested family and friends with the goings-on of our life, especially our cutie-pie babies.  And probably a little of my crafty/decorating/junk-transforming projects thrown in there too! :)

So stay tuned!!!
